Friday 26 April 2013

Justin Trudeau: A New Voice for Big Oil

Justin Trudeau has a lot of heart. But it will take time for him to develop his policy positions. He is the voice of a new generation, promising a fresh alternative to the sinister machinations of the Harper Conservatives.

Justin is big on vision: details to follow.

Something like this is the party line about Justin. The party line is hot air.

In fact, Justin wrote a substantive policy piece in the National Post a few months back, wherein he endorsed the plan of Nexen executives to sell out the company to the Chinese government. It was a bit of a mystery at the time. Why would this young visionary choose cheerleading for the agenda of a tar sands oil company as his very first substantive policy position?

This month, when Justin named Cyrus Reporter as his Chief of Staff, it all started to make sense. Cyrus had already been on Justin's team for many months. He was on Justin's team when Justin wrote the National Post column.

Cyrus Reporter has for years been a paid lobbyist for several big oil companies, including – quelle surprise! – Nexen.

Cyrus also lobbied for several years for Syncrude. Remember the hundreds of ducks that died in a tar pond in 2010? That was Syncrude. Cyrus also lobbied for BP (remember the Gulf of Mexico?). 

Justin is no big-hearted naif. He has announced a very concrete policy position about tar sands oil interests. And, in Cyrus Reporter, he has a slick (no pun intended) operator as his right hand man.

The Big Oil execs can rest easy. If Justin rides his middle-aged charm into the Prime Minister's Office, they can count on a serious Big Oil thinker backed by sophisticated Big Oil operatives.

In other words, Big Oil can count on nothing much changing.

Here is a link to Justin’s column in the National Post:

Here is a story about Justin naming Cyrus his Chief of Staff:

Here is a list of the lobbyist Cyrus Reporter’s clients, from a government website:;jsessionid=0001AfqDeiPNyQ6E9G87SzxxMn7:6NIVBRELP?docType=reg&adv_1001_level1common=&adv_2002_level1reg=lobbyistName&adv_2002_lobbyistName=REPORTER&b_adv_2002_lobbyistName=CYRUS&srch=Search